坂田織物 Kurume Kasuri textile



Sakata-Orimono as
an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)

Here at Sakata-Orimono, we not only manufacture Kurume-Kasuri fabrics and fashion
accessories processed from these fabrics, but we also process original
fabric patterns. In the case of the latter, various conditions such as lot and
fabric width come into play. Please feel free to make an inquiry, and we
would be happy to provide a free estimate. Please refer to the FAQ for more information.

● Main flow for original fabric OEM



※ Please feel free to contact us with further questions.In some cases, response via email may take some time.

● OEM Model Case

Request for original fabric production from ALLd. Inc.www.alld.jp

  • ①Pattern meeting
    We held a meeting at our office regarding the production schedule, etc. During ALLd.’s visit, they were able to observe the Kurume-Kasuri production process.
  • ②Design creation
    We received a request for several patterns, and began design creation, thread acquisition and production preparation.
  • ③Fabric production
    Weaving work is a multi-step process.
  • ④Completion/delivery
    The beautiful fabric is finished!